I'd love to help!
As an online entrepreneur, I know the importance of building community to spread a message.
I'm seeking to build a community around my first brand -- likely to be followed by others.
Called HessingerGifts, the brand markets unique shirts, stickers, phone cases, mugs and more.
It is the first of what might be several brands aimed at creating unique items and downloadable entertainment marketed online -- and perhaps eventually beyond.
Blog Post Ideas Tied to New Brand
After working for years as an online marketer and then online journalist, I am launching this new business for a very simple reason.
As a creative person, I've been looking for ways to use that creativity in bold new ways. I want to market creative products to creative people. That includes products like shirts, stickers, phone cases and mugs designed in an edgy and creative way.
As the father of a teenage son, I want to create a new future for my family that will include helping with college for my son, building a more flexible lifestyle for my family allowing me the time to take care of aging parents -- and more.
How Can I Help You?
If you have a blog, podcast, YouTube channel or other media outlet particularly in the ecommerce, fashion, pop culture or other fields with a good fit, I'd love to work with you.
Contact me for interviews, commentary or other contributions related to ecommerce platforms, content marketing, creativity, home business, global business or anything related to the various collections of items I currently market.
I'd love to brainstorm with you about possible posts, videos or other content ideas related to my expertise or brand.
Examples might include how to create ecommerce platforms using on-demand partners like RedBubble or Cafe Press, how to market your ecommerce business, how to use social media marketing for your business etc.
Or I could contribute to content on popular culture or alternative culture, art, design, music and entertainment as it relates to my current brand. For example, I would be happy to contribute to content on skateboard, hip hop, urban, British, punk and street culture.
Take a look at the store and various collections from HessingerGifts and contact me at shawn AT shawnhessinger DOT com with some information on your media outlet and how you think we might work together. Be sure to place HESSINGERGIFTS MEDIA INQUIRY all in caps in the subject of your email so I will be sure not to miss it.